Top March Photos: Buffalo Sabres

The website navigation includes sections for Tickets, News, Video, Team, Scores, Schedule, Stats, Standings, Community, Fans, Arena, League, and Streaming. Within these sections are subcategories such as Roster, Uniforms, NHL Draft, All-Time Captains, Career Opportunities, Staff, KeyBank Center, A – Z Guide, Sabres Store, Alumni Plaza, Lexus Club, Fan Code of Conduct, LECOM Harborcenter, and more. The “Tickets” section may contain details on purchasing tickets for games or events. The “News” section likely features updates and articles about the team or related topics.

The “Video” section probably includes multimedia content such as game highlights or player interviews. The “Team” section likely provides information about the team’s players and staff. The “Scores” section may display recent game results. The “Schedule” section likely features upcoming game dates and times.

The “Stats” section probably provides statistical information about players or team performance. The “Standings” section may display the team’s position in the league. The “Community” section could feature initiatives involving the team and its fans. The “Fans” section might include fan-related content or engagement opportunities.

The “Arena” section likely offers information about the team’s home venue. The “League” section may contain details about the wider NHL organization. The “Streaming” section might provide options for streaming games or content.

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