Sabres vs. Flyers: Buffalo Sabres Game Night

The website navigation menu includes the following sections: Tickets, News, Video, Team, Schedule, Stats, Standings, Community, Fans, Arena, Shop, League, Streaming, and Galleries. The “Team” section includes subsections such as Roster, Uniforms, NHL Draft, All-Time Captains, Career Opportunities, and Staff.

The “Schedule” section allows users to add the schedule to their calendar or print a copy. The “Arena” section offers information about the KeyBank Center, A – Z Guide, Sabres Store, Alumni Plaza, Lexus Club, Fan Code of Conduct, and LECOM Harborcenter.

The “Streaming” section provides options for viewing games, including MSG+ and Fubo (US + Canada). Additionally, there are links to and specific game coverage, such as the Sabres vs. Flyers.

The website lists upcoming games, encouraging fans to attend.

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