PHOTOS: Painting The Ice for the Buffalo Sabres

The website’s navigation bar includes tabs for Tickets, News, Video, Team, Schedule, Stats, Standings, Community, Fans, Arena, Shop, League, Streaming, and Galleries. The Team tab provides access to information about the team, including the roster, uniforms, NHL Draft, all-time captains, career opportunities, staff, and scores.

The Schedule tab offers a downloadable and printable schedule, and the Stats tab leads to statistical information. The Community tab highlights the team’s involvement in community activities, while the Fans tab provides links to arena information, the Sabres Store, Alumni Plaza, Lexus Club, and the Fan Code of Conduct.

The League tab connects to The website also provides access to streaming options, including MSG+ and Fubo in the US and Canada.

Finally, the Galleries tab leads to photo galleries, such as the Paint The Ice collection.

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