The website consists of several sections including tickets, news, video, team, roster, uniforms, NHL draft, all-time captains, career opportunities, staff, scores, schedule, stats, standings, community, fans, arena, keyBank Center, A-Z Guide, Sabres Store, Alumni Plaza, Lexus Club, fan code of conduct, LECOM Harborcenter, shop, league, streaming, MSG+, Fubo (US + Canada), and galleries. Under the “Schedule” section, there is an option to add the schedule to the calendar as well as a printable schedule. The “Community” section features information on the team’s involvement with fans and efforts in the community, while the “Arena” section contains details about the KeyBank Center, including the A – Z Guide, Sabres Store, Alumni Plaza, Lexus Club, and fan code of conduct. The “Streaming” section includes options for MSG+, Fubo (US + Canada), and galleries, while the “” link takes you to the NHL’s official website.

The most recent update on the site is a collection of the photo staff’s favorite images from the month of March, under the title “PHOTOS | Best of March”, dated April 07, 2024.

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