The website includes various sections such as Tickets, News, Video, Team, Roster, NHL Draft, Career Opportunities, and more. Each section provides specific information and resources related to the Buffalo Sabres hockey team. The Schedule section offers options to add the schedule to a calendar and print a printable version.

Additionally, there is a section for Stats and Standings, which likely includes statistics and current standings of the team. Other sections like Community, Fans, Arena, and League indicate the team’s engagement with its fan base, involvement in the community, information about the arena, and its association with the NHL. The text also mentions the availability of streaming, galleries, and a store associated with the team.

Lastly, it provides links to external platforms such as MSG+ and Fubo for streaming. The webpage also mentions a photo collection from the month of March, and a link to view the “Best of March” photos. This showcases the team’s visual content and highlights memorable moments from the month.

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