Lindy Ruff’s Journey Through the Years: A Pictorial Tribute to the Buffalo Sabres Coach

The content you submitted consists of navigation links related to the Buffalo Sabres team, including sections such as Tickets, News, Video, Team, Schedule, Stats, Community, Arena, Shop, League, Streaming, and Galleries. These links are organized into distinct categories for easy access by users seeking information about the team, its schedule, statistics, and other related content. The section labeled “Team” includes subcategories such as Roster, Uniforms, NHL Draft, All-Time Captains, and Career Opportunities. This suggests that users can find comprehensive information about the team’s composition, historical drafts, and available career opportunities within the organization.

The “Schedule” tab offers access to the team’s schedule, including the option to add it to one’s calendar or print a copy for offline reference. Users can stay updated on upcoming games and events involving the Buffalo Sabres. Under “Stats,” users can access the team’s standings, giving them insight into the Sabres’ performance in the league and where they rank in comparison to other teams. The “Community” section indicates the team’s engagement with their fan base and local community, showcasing the Sabres’ efforts beyond the games.

Information on the team’s home arena, KeyBank Center, is available under the “Arena” tab, along with a guide, store, and fan code of conduct, providing a comprehensive resource for fans attending games or events. The “League” section offers details on streaming the team’s games through platforms such as MSG+ and Fubo, ensuring fans have access to live content. Lastly, the “Galleries” section provides photographic content, including the mentioned photo series featuring Lindy Ruff, capturing moments from his time as a player and coach for the Buffalo Sabres from 1979 to 2013.

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