The website’s navigation menu includes sections for Tickets, News, Video, Team, Roster, Uniforms, NHL Draft, All-Time Captains, Career Opportunities, Staff, Scores, Schedule, Stats, Standings, Community, Fans, Arena, KeyBank Center, A – Z Guide, Sabres Store, Alumni Plaza, Lexus Club, Fan Code of Conduct, LECOM Harborcenter, Shop, League, Streaming, MSG+, Fubo (US + Canada), and There are also galleries available, such as the recent celebration of Bill Wippert’s 50th season photographing the Buffalo Sabres. Bill Wippert himself selected some of his favorite photos from his 50 years with the team. The main content of the page features a specific event on April 3, 2024, where Bill Wippert, the Team Photographer for the Buffalo Sabres, commemorates 50 years of capturing moments for the team.

The event is recognized by showcasing a selection of his favorite photographs from his time with the team. The announcement concludes by expressing well-wishes for continued success in the future.

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