Celebrating 50 Seasons of Bill Wippert with Photos
The website content is organized into different sections. The main sections include Tickets, News, Video, Team, Schedule, Stats, Standings, Community, Fans, Arena, Shop, League, Streaming, Galleries, and more. Specific topics within these sections include Roster, Uniforms, NHL Draft, All-Time Captains, Career Opportunities, Staff, Scores, Theme Nights, Add to Calendar, Printable Schedule, A – Z Guide, Sabres Store, Alumni Plaza, Lexus Club, Fan Code of Conduct, LECOM Harborcenter, MSG+, Fubo (US + Canada), NHL.com, and more. One noteworthy section features celebrated photographer Bill Wippert’s 50th season of photographing the Buffalo Sabres.
The section showcases some of his favorite photos from the past 50 years, commemorating this impressive milestone.